Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Happy Christmas!

Clients have started receiving our Christmas gifts, and emailing with thanks. One of our clients sent us a lovely interactive e-card with features to click to follow the story through - thanks! What a great idea! We'd like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and fantastic New Year!

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Front Page News!

The Simple Website Designs' 'How to Win with a Website' editorial has made it to the front page of a newspaper for businesses and individuals in the Home Counties. Now the advice about how to make the most of your website and pitfalls to avoid if you're trying to get one, can be read by people all over the South. SWD paid for inclusion in the magazine, but never expected the editor to consider the article front page material. It helps confirm our view that instead of just making huge brightly coloured adverts that ram offers and brands down people's throats, we can make progress by offering something genuinely useful (in this case advice which is simple to us, but not to your average non-techie person) and people will see how we can save them time, stress and often money. Like a good business advisor once told me some years ago when I bleated that I hated selling and didn't want to do it: 'No problem - you're not selling a product, you're providing for a need.'

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Christmas Prezzies

We have just finalised the order for Christmas presents for all of our clients - they don't know about it, it's a secret, so I can't say what the gifts are yet...

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Nasty Eye Infection

We just completed a site for a man who has had an almost unbelievable experience getting turned away from hospitals! it all started with an eye infection, which was referred to a specialist, but then dismissed as only needing eye drops by three hospitals! Through perseverance and after a harrowing experience, Mr Cook finally managed to get he treatement he needed, but was so shocked by his experience he decided to put up a website detailing what happened in case other people have the same experience. My favourite line is when, shortly after treatment, the doctor tells him he wouoldn't have made the appointment given to him by one of the less concerned hospitals as he 'would have been dead by then'. You can read all about it here - but it has got some pretty nasty pictures - you have been warned!

Small Business Seminar Plans

We are in discussions with Jim Ewan - Small Business Advisor, about a joint venture involving a half day seminar for small businesses. Jim would give advice on how to survive the economic recession, with practical hints and tips on how to cut costs without cutting results and we would contribute with advice on how to make the most of your website and how to make sure your customers can find you, and have an experience that makes them want to get in contact once they have.

Simple Website Designs and Reading Chronicle become pals

We had a great success with our first advertorial in The Reading Chronicle with lots of people calling us up and saying that the article was very useful and could we help them out more! The Chronicle were really great to work with, and so we sent them a nice testimonial, which they've now printed, along with our logo, in the latest issue!

Blog set up

Simple Website Designs Blog set up! Lots of catching up to do.