Thursday, 8 January 2009

Basic Legal Requirements for Websites

The Internet is such relatively new technology and it has grown so quickly, it's taken a while for governments to catch up with all the new issues it creates. However, in the UK they are beginning to, with legislation regarding what you must and must not do with your website.

It's frequently changing as new developments take place, and it can be difficult to know whether you are complying with all the right rules at the right time. Websites can create both civil and criminal liability, so it's important to make sure you have at least the basics covered.

One of the easiest ways to get into trouble on the Internet is by copying text or images from a website without express permission - this breaks copyright law. While information in the public domain is free for you to read and look at, copying it for your own use (even personal) could land you in a lawsuit. In most cases, if it doesn't say the material is available for copy, you must assume it is copyright.

Buying a domain name that infringes on someone's trademark rights is also not allowed, even if it is slightly different. Unless you can prove that you have a reason to purchase a particular name other than to trade off somebody elses reputation (e.g. it happens to be your actual name as well), you may not be allowed to keep a domain name similar to an established company.

As a webmaster, you need to be aware of laws regarding accessibility, data protection, e-marketing and e-commerce. It is now a legal requirement to have a privacy policy available for view on your site, if you are collecting data in any way from visitors, be it via a form or simply over email. It is also extremely important to have a terms and conditions of use document, with disclaimers limiting your liability in case someone tries to claim damages for issues arising out of use of your site.

For more information on website law visit:

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating... My cousin was searching this kind of info. He will be very happy when I give him your url. Thanks!
