Tuesday 23 June 2009

Digital World Politics

Gordon Brown has been quoted as saying having The Internet is now as important as having gas and water in your home. That may be arguable, but being linked in to a global network can certainly have a very real and serious effect on our lives and lifestyles, as we can see as photos and comments are blogged and tweeted from dangerous areas gripped in political turmoil, right as the action happens.

The Prime Minister says that the modern technological networks have changed foreign policy forever, meaning the 'little people' can have their voices heard much more easily, without needing access to massive funds to broadcast messages via television or radio.

It could mean that as images and comments bounce around the world at lightning speed, public opinion and will grows faster than when we had to rely on a few brave journalists' articles, and what the newspapers decided was newsworthy and appropriate.

So does this increased flow of information mean we will take better action faster, and ultimately make the world a better place? Time will tell.

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